Audrey K. Noe

I picked up my first used 35mm camera while studying Advertising Design at Palm Beach Community College. This is where I met the most encouraging art professors, Mr. Gene Arant. He encouraged me to make this passion a career by changing my major to design and arranging my first internship at the Palm Beach Photographic Center. Looking back, I can see a long list of encouraging people in my path that have helped me take it to the next level... all are gifts from God.  I have been a graphic artist and freelance photographer since 1998 beginning as an ad designer for a small publication in Tifton, GA.  I gradually grew in skill and experience through the years as I worked for a billboard company, a print shop and a national chain printing company. In 2003, after the birth of my first daughter, I decided (with the support of my husband)  to freelance full time in the Atlanta area. This allowed me to stay home with our baby during the day while I worked.  Designed Identities grew little by little over the years as I offered graphic design services to local businesses and location photography to friends and family.  

We have three children now and have relocated to Nashville, TN. My client base has grown but the goals are the same.

  • As a graphic artist, I have a passion for helping small businesses create their professional identities, reach their market and ultimately increase their revenue.  
  • As a photographer, I want to capture memories... memories of youth, family, milestones, love and more. 

Creatively,  Audrey